Our Classroom Website


Hello everyone. This is our classroom webpage and I will try to keep this updated throughout the year as much as possible. If we decide to have a school closure, this is the website that will have your child's classwork and activities on it.




We will be discussing numbers this week so please review with your child 1-10

Souns o,m,s, t,p, e, i, h, a, f, u, b, w, n,d, j, c

All colors, shapes

Writing first name and being able to tell the difference between first and last when asked

Practice cutting lines and shapes out



Key Work to be done every day if possible (these will help your child be ready for next school year):

Read to your child

Go over colors

Go over shapes

Go over numbers 1-10 to identify them as well as count to 10


Important News

Please send back lets read papers and any inkind papers for the month.

Always remember send bag and homework activities back. Thanks for all you do.



Have Fun!
Love, Mrs. Michelle and Ms. Kate heart